Wisdom from Louise

Explore Louise's Work

Honoring Louise’s You Can Heal Your Life Legacy

Back in 1984, Louise Hay created Hay House. Later that year, she published her first book—You Can Heal Your Life. As you know, the rest is history… and now we want to celebrate it. Beginning May 4, we’re offering our first-ever You Can Heal Your Life Summit, packed with empowering lessons from 78 leading experts […]
Inspirational Quotes about forgiveness | "I draw love and acceptance into my life, and I accept it now." — Louise Hay
Inspirational Quotes about health | "My mind and body are in perfect balance. I am a harmonious being." — Louise Hay
Inspirational Quotes about self-esteem | "My self-esteem is high because I honor who I am." — Louise Hay

Free Podcast to Honor Louise Hay’s Legacy

  It’s been one year since Louise Hay transitioned, and we miss her here at Hay House! Louise had a big impact on many people over the years, some of whom dubbed her “the closest thing to a living saint.” Here at Hay House, we all agree. Louise had a remarkable ability to connect with […]

101 Best Louise Hay Affirmations of All Time

Louise Hay smiling warmly as she touches delicate flowers.
We hope that as you say your favorite daily affirmations you will see your life transform in more positive, more uplifting ways. As Louise famously taught, you can heal your life!

What is Mirror Work?

What is Mirror Work?
Mirror work is the most effective method I’ve found for learning to love yourself and see the world as a safe and loving place.

Healing from PTSD, Trauma and Mind-Body Anxiety

Healing from PTSD, Trauma and Mind-Body Anxiety
If you have suffered from a serious trauma in your life that affects your mind and body, these solutions can help you support your brain and body as you heal the past and create a healthier mind-body for greater happiness in the present and the future.
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Love Your Body by Louise Hay - Listen to 400+ Affirmations to Heal Your Body